2015-2018 Barton Hybrid 3 Shifter
Fits the 2015-2018 Mustang GT only. Comes complete with body mount and Trans mount. Also includes Billet Reverse Lockout Collar. Retains Factory style Pull Up reverse lock out. Shifter can be mounted directly to the Trans or Mounted to the body. Unique linkage design can be installed as a solid linkage with the Trans mount, or pivot with the body mount.
- 25% Throw Reduction for Short Smooth Shifts.
- Unique Cartridge Design
- Dual Mounting Options to fit your shifting Preference.
- Adjustable side to side spring pressure, dials you in for a perfect 2-3 shift EVERY TIME.
- 3 Bushing System achieves the most accurate shifts on the market.
- Little to no increase in Noise
- Increases side to side distance between gears, for a more forgiving shift
- The Most complete shifter on the Market